Weyakum is helping students on how to coop with studying abroad by:

We managed to rapidly grow and been known from most of the UK students. Weyakum helped more than 1OO students for university acceptance and help
within the UK.
  • Guiding students with options with their major and university
  • Getting acceptance from over |IO2 universities from the UK
  • Helping with completing the steps for the Ministry of Higher
  • Education (MOHE) scholarship.
  • Helping to apply for the visa
  • Finding suitable apartments for students

Submit your documents to help you in the application process.

Submit an updated and correct version of each of your documents.

Summer with Weyakum

To help students coop and meet new friends, our plan is to do events such as:

Apply for the MOHE

Apply for all Universities in the UK


Academic Events

Fun Events

Enlightenment Events

Our goal is to help more students

With your support, Weyakum will be able to expand and reach much more students in the UK. Furthermore, we can also have the capability to create events on a much larger scale, that can create attention within the social media and much more. Our main goal is to help the students get used to the place of study. Therefore, helping them with any matter necessary will allow them to feel that studying overseas is not that hard and stressful.
Getting acceptance from over 1O2 universities from the UK
Weyakum helped more than 1OO students

Getting acceptance from over 1O2 university from the UK

How will Weyakum help you?

We offer in-person consultations and support services for students, including help with the admission process, course selection, visa applications, and other aspects of studying abroad.

Experienced students will help you

to know more about your university and major.